While a snowy backdrop is the perfect setting from your home, it can be a scary sight on the road. At Lester Glenn Ford, we care about your safety and want to ensure you are safe on the roads this winter.

Safety Tips this Winter

  1. Wait Until the Roads Have Been Treated. If at all possible, avoid driving during extremely harsh conditions. If not, at least try to wait until the roads have been cleared by the city, including putting salt down and clearing large drifts.
  2. Prepare Your Vehicle. Make sure your vehicle is prepared for the winter. Keep your windshield wiper fluid level full and an ice scraper in your car to make sure your sightline is always clear. Add traction to your Ford truck by adding sandbags to the bed. Also, always keep your gas tank at least half full so you aren’t ever left out in the cold.
  3. Keep a Safe Distance from Other Vehicles. Stay an extra distance from other vehicles on the road, to not only stop in time, but in case they suddenly lose control of their vehicle. Also, be sure to always drive with your headlights on in snow or sleet so other vehicles can easily spot you on the road as well.
  4. Stop Slowly and Early. Sudden stops should always be avoided on an icy road. It’s not only impossible to stop suddenly on slick surfaces, but dangerous. Stopping quickly can cause your vehicle to spin out of control. Plus, you are putting undue pressure on your brakes which can cause wear and tear.

Be sure to also visit our Ford service center near Tinton Falls, NJ, to be sure your Ford vehicle is ready for the winter. Stay safe out there!